Persian Bounty embroidery design measures 11cm x 10cm wide (4 3/8” x 4”).
* Raised Embroidery, Level 2.
This is an ideal project if you are familiar with the basics of raised embroidery and are looking for a project with lots of fine details.
A delicate dragonfly is dancing amongst branches heavy with ripe pomegranates, while a tiny caterpillar counts her way along the stem.
The embroidery is worked onto silk dupion using stranded silks, fine metallic threads and glass beads. The pomegranates are embroidered separately, before being stitched in place over layers of felt padding and filled to the brim with ruby-red glass beads. Detached, wired leaves and needle-woven picot petals add dimension to the flowers & foliage. The dragonfly’s delicate wings are stitched onto shimmery organza with fine gold thread and fine gilt wire form the glittering body.
The detailed, fully illustrated instructions will help guide you step by step through the project however, you might find it helpful to have your stitch directory at hand.
IN THIS KIT YOU WILL FIND everything you need to complete the project:
* Light lunar silk dupion (with traced design)
* Quilter’s muslin
* Cotton homespun for leaves and pomegranates
* 2 shades of organza &fusible webbing for wings
* Wool felt for padding
* Beading wire
* Glass beads
* 5 needles
* 15 stranded silks
* 3 miscellaneous threads
20cm (8”) embroidery hoop, both rings bound
10cm (4”) embroidery hoop, inner ring bound
Light coloured sewing thread
Dressmaker’s awl
Embroidery scissors
Small pliers or old scissors for cutting wire (don’t ruin your good pair)
Tweezers or round-nose jewellery pliers
Sharp lead pencil (or mechanical pencil)
Stylus or empty ball point pen
Baking (or tracing) paper