Not all that is sweet is good. The same can be said on the unassuming wife of the palace baker.. - Nora Corbett (Designer)
Model is stitched on 32 count Amber Linen by Wichelt.
Alternative fabric is 16 count Amber Aida by Wichelt.
Stitch count of 152w x 201h. Stitched 2 over 2.
Threads Used
DMC - 155, 168, 169, 210, 326, 347, 350, 500, 535, 645, 818, 819, 893, 926, 928, 957, 958, 970, 3371, 3685, 3689, 3752, 3753, 3756, 3805, 3812, 3847, B5200, white,
Caron Waterlilies - 109, 267
Kreinik #4 Braid - 9294
Mill Hill Beads - 00252, 00479, 02035, 02077, 03050, 10032, 10119.