This coy and good-hearted fairy sings so quietly she can barely be heard over the wind on the sea lavender. Her tender song is sweet and melodic and beckons weary fishermen home to their waiting loves. - Nora Corbett
The model is stitched on 32 count Waterlily linen from Wichelt
Stitch Count - 85w x 118h.
Threads Used
Crescent Colours Hand Dyed - Desert Mesquite, Lemon Lime, Eve's Leaves, Cobbled Peach, La Tierra, Hickory Sticks, Vintage Violet, Cloud, Lettuce Leaf, Deep Fennel, Old Blue Jeans, Argyle Socks, Smoke, Hydrangea
Mill Hill Beads - 00525, 02026, 18828
Kreinik #4 Braid - 3514

Letters from Nora - R by Nora Corbett