Nothing could be found about Elizabeth Topham who stitched this lovely sampler in 1838. Believed to be an English girl, Elizabeth adorned her sampler with three decorative floral pots flanking the verse, the lowest of the three stitched partly over one. This pot has been modified so that today’s stitcher can stitch the entire sampler over two threads. This sampler is perfect for commemorating a marriage, and the chart provides an example for placement of the couple’s names and wedding date using letters from the verse and numbers in the antique. - Kathleen Littleton
The design is stitched on 40 count Vintage Buttercream by Lakeside Linens, two threads Needlepoint Silks over two threads linen.
Stitch count - 232w x 239h
Threads Used
NPI - 355, 575, 475, 504, 993
Soie 100/3 Alternatives - 707, 499, 677, 335, Noir
DMC Alternatives - 937, 498, 3852, 3777, 310