Emily’s needlework has been reproduced using the slightly mellowed colours found on the front of her sampler. The ten-year-old child used wool and 20ct Penelope canvas to create an elegant sampler that gracefully flows from row to row. Her sampler contains elements that are reminiscent of the artwork on Roman Catholic prayer cards. Emily recorded that she completed her pretty sampler on November 18, 1874 at the Convent of Mercy in Chelsea. - Hands Across the Sea Samplers.
The design area is 165 stitches (w) x 253 stitches (h). Our calculations have included a 3″ margin for finishing and framing. The model was stitched using 56ct Zweigart-based linen overdyed by xJuDesigns to the shade of Marbled Pointer. The design is suitable for stitching on Aida, Linaida, or linen.