(Australian) Paragon Heritage Series (Project Editors Ray and Vicki Moodie)
This is an unabridged version of patterns from original Paragon books and has been reproduced using the latest laser scanning and digital printing technology.
This book was originally Paragon Tatting Book No. 2. There are 35 items to tat with your magic shuttle. Tat up doilies as small as 11.5cm square, others that are light and airy, round and oblong and up to 28cm. There is even a motif table cloth. For the discerning there are handy edges (some with corners) and edges for the household linen. Lots to choose from and plenty of different ideas to keep you tatting for hours. 24 pages.

Tatting 2 More Doilies and Edges - PARC146R by Paragon