(Australian) Paragon Heritage Series (Project Editors Ray and Vicki Moodie)
This is a partially unabridged version of the original Paragon books and has been reproduced using the latest laser scanning and digital printing technology.
In this edition 3 Paragon crochet books have been chosen - 107, 109 and 115 and from them all the motif designs have been selected and bundled together to form PARC154R. From this book you can make mats, 3 piece sets, chair sets, runners, tray mats, table cloths, bedspreads and more. A large picture of each motif is shown and the number of motifs from a ball of thread, either #20, #40 or #60, has been calculated for you. The 12 motifs include Lucky Star, Spinning Wheel, Pineapple, Iris, Diamond, Flower, Chariot Wheel, Tudor Rose, Triple Treble Square, Daffodil, Queen Anne and Star Wheel. These motifs can be joined as you go. Basically decide what you would like to crochet and your thread size, choose a motif and calculate the number of motifs required. The hard work has been done for you - the general instructions will guide you through the process. There are plenty of pictures of the finished articles to inspire you and you are only limited by your imagination. (28 pages)