Crocheted Doilies using Broomstick, Bavarian and Daisy Wheel - BK43 by Craft Moods
Crocheted Doilies using Broomstick, Bavarian and Daisy Wheel by Vicki Moodie.
This book takes broomstick crochet lace to a new level with an easy, yet exciting, pattern for a broomstick doily in the round in 4 sizes from 12.5cm to 30cm diameter using 4ply cotton (11cm to 28cm using #5 perle cotton). The broomstick crochet theme is continued with a remarkable doily in the square (starts round and finishes 23cm square) using #5 perle cotton. Basic illustrated broomsticking instructions are included, so amaze your family and friends with these unique projects.
Bavarian crochet technique is used with #10 crochet cotton to make both the striking 25cm diameter Doily in the Round and the 37cm x 27cm Two Tone Bavarian Oval Mat. The finished look of Bavarian crochet is distinctive and appealing and while it looks complicated it is relatively easy to master and well worth the effort.
Daisy wheel crocheted projects may seem old fashioned but with imagination you can create many interesting articles using a wide range of threads and yarns by variations in joining methods and colour combinations. Along with complete instructions for making daisies using the daisy wheel (for both left and right handers) and conventional motif joining instructions, we have presented some ideas in the form of round and square doilies in 4ply cotton and round and square motifs in #10 crochet cotton to get your creative juices flowing.
Three of these projects are from Craft Moods range of individual crochet patterns.