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Attractive Doilies by Vicki Moodie from Paragon C108

Attractive Doilies (Edited by Vicki  Moodie)Eight crochet patterns for dressing table set and doilies from 20cm to 56cm (8" to 22") in diameter using Nos 10, 20 and 40 crochet...

Church Laces: Heritage Series C131 by Paragon

Church Laces  (Australian) Paragon Heritage Series13 crochet edges for altars & albs and a credence mat in 20, 40 & 60 cotton. Designs include crosses & roses with crown of...

Forty-Six Crocheted Edgings by Vickie Moodie

Forty-Six Crocheted Edgings (Edited by Vicki Moodie) Patterns for 46 crocheted edges for handkerchiefs, doilies, window blind, lampshade, and dressing table sets from 19cm to 47cm (7½" to 18½") in...

Key Steps for Handanger Embroidery by Evelyn MacKay

Key Steps for Hardanger Embroidery Book One by Evelyn MacKay is a 15 page booklet. Originally printed in 1976, reprinted in 1987.  This booklet is a vintage booklet and is...

Learn to Crochet by Vickie Moodie from Paragon C126

Illustrated instructions of basic techniques and stitches for both left and right handers. Easy to follow patterns in #10, 20 and 40 crochet cotton for a round doily, a 58...

Six Crocheted Doilies by Vicki Moodie from Paragon C129

Six Crocheted Doilies by Vicki Moodie.Six crocheted doilies, ranging in size from 28cm to 48cm (11" to 19") in diameter, using No 20 crochet cotton. Includes oval mat with wheat design,...